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  • Title Card - La Quernica - A Homeland Facing Change

    La Querencia - A Homeland Facing Change

    For centuries, villagers of Northern New Mexico survived from hard work, religious faith and families helping one another. After WWII, when the barter system transitioned to a cash economy, many left for work and a formal education. Newcomers moved in, adding tension around who may claim a sense of belonging.
  • Title Card Many Hands A Community Development Project

    Many Hands - A Community Development Project

    In the remote village of Cañones, New Mexico the building of an early childhood center is met with community enthusiasm and criticism. How community needs are assessed and matched are the focal point of this story, funded through Save the Children.
  • Title Card - Rekindling the Fire

    Rekindling the Fire

    Tesuque Pueblo reconnects with traditional and contemporary farming practices to rekindle community participation and cultural values.
  • Title for the program Sun Dried Foods

    Sun Dried Foods - Spanish

    Join the Lopez family from Las Trampas to learn traditional methods of preserving the harvest, by making Chicos, drying fruits and preparing elk for carne seco. Experience how time-honored traditions are culturally relevant and instructionally useful.
  • Title for the program Sun Dried Foods

    Sun Dried Foods - English

    Join the Lopez family from Las Trampas to learn traditional methods of preserving the harvest, by making Chicos, drying fruits and preparing elk for carne seco. Experience how time-honored traditions are culturally relevant and instructionally useful.
  • Title card that says Home Weatherization Now

    Home Weatherization Now - Spanish

    In a small town in Northern New Mexico the Martinez family learns how to conserve energy and retrofit an old adobe house to be an energy efficient home.
  • Home Weatherization Now title

    Home Weatherization Now - English

    In a small town in Northern New Mexico the Martinez family learns how to conserve energy and retrofit an old adobe house to be an energy efficient home.
  • Acequias del Norte - Derechos y Conservacion

    New Mexico State Engineers and the Interstate Stream Commission sponsored this film to tell the story of New Mexico’s unique irrigation systems and reliance on the fabric of community, history and culture.
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