
Share Your Story

Help us build the archive! We have resources to help get you started! 

We are gathering memories in all of their forms–stories, documents, images, audio files, and videos, diaries, family heirlooms, recipes, and more. Materials made public in the archive may be used by others with proper attribution for educational purposes, including public programming, exhibits, lesson plans, and research.


Create your own local memory gathering event or project

You can work with one of our participating partners or create your own memory gathering event or project. Organizations and individuals can contribute items and build subsites for their own content within the archive site. 


Join Our Collaboration

Join our partnership!

Participating organizations engage community members through local memory gathering events and projects. They collaborate on joint outreach activities, funding proposals, and public programs and participate in technical assistance and training. Partners also have access to the Manitos Media Preservation Lab, a centralized service for the digitization of audio recordings, films, and videos in legacy formats. 

Our steering committee meets monthly to provide overall guidance, approve new partners, and resolve conflicts. We also organize online technical assistance and training sessions to exchange information and ideas, build our skills in memory gathering and digital archiving, and offer peer-to-peer support.



This is where you can find information on how to get started adding items to the Digital Archive. In addition to what you will find here, there is more information on the Omeka S website including forums where you can ask questions. If you search the Internet and YouTube you can find tutorials produced by libraries and other users of the Omeka S publishing platform that you might find helpful. 

Contact us to create an account. 


Manito Memory Lab Network

A great deal of Manito cultural heritage and history can be found in people’s homes, bundled in shoeboxes, carefully arranged in scrapbooks, and framed on walls. Memory Labs are community spaces that invite individuals to use equipment for personal archiving and digital preservation. Memory Labs provide access to equipment for digitizing these materials, as well as technical assistance and training on how to preserve family photographs, documents, and stories.

Contact us for more information.