Cuadernos volume II issue 1 - Primavera: Semillas y Viento
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Cuadernos volume II issue 1 - Primavera: Semillas y Viento
Volume Two of the Manitos Community Memory Project Cuaderno Series, a set of four booklets on the theme of food sovereignty, features the land-based Indo-Hispano culture of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado where natives often refer to themselves as Manitos--their shared history and culture, how they connect through traditional foodways, and how the changing seasons and weather give shape and meaning to the activities of daily life. Each issue focuses on one of the four seasons starting with Spring.
The Spring issue focuses on the planting season. It begins however with an acknowledgment of the devastating wildfires in Spring 2022 that impacted so many Manitos and their communities. To commemorate the fires the issue contains lyrics in Spanish and English to an original corrido composed by Jesús Cuauhtémoc Villa. A corrido is a popular narrative ballad form that is used to narrate stories of socially relevant topics including historical events. The Corrido Los Bomberos de Mora gives thanks to the brave volunteer firefighters from the village of Mora who refused to evacuate and were able to protect many homes and the morada, or chapel.
Spring brings with it warming weather and a softening of the frozen soil that allows planting to begin. Traditional crops adapted to the semi-arid climate, often grown from seeds passed down from generation-to-generation, include corn, squash, and beans–the three sisters–along with chile, onion, and garlic, the main ingredients to many traditional dishes. May 15th is Dia de San Isidro Labrador, the patron saint of farmers, and across the region celebrations take place in fields, many irrigated in the traditional way by communally owned and managed acequias or ditches that distribute water to the crops. The issue concludes with three family recipes.
Manitos Community Memory Project
Patricia Perea
Manitos Community Memory Project
Patricia Perea, Project Director & Writer
Mimi Roberts, Project Manager
Lauren Addario, Internship Program Director
Jesus Cuauhtémoc Villa, Project Writer
Natasha Vasquez, Lead Illustrator
Lily Padilla, Lead Graphic Designer
Brianna Vela, Cover Art/Illustrator
Anaïs Savariau, Graphic Designer/Illustrator
Mariah Fox Hausman, Graphic Design Mentor
Northern New Mexico & Southern Colorado
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