Cuadernos volume I issue 3 - La Curandera
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Cuadernos volume I issue 3 - La Curandera
The year 2020 was defined by the COVID-19 global pandemic, which decimated many Manito families and communities. In response, the Manito Community Memory Project (MCMP), with support from the American Recovery Act, National Endowment for the Humanities, initiated a series of publications, designed and illustrated by two MCMP graphic design interns, to help Manitos address the trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic through connection to their history, cultural heritage, and to each other. The cuaderno format pays homage to the small journals or notebooks traditionally used by Manitos to record all kinds of information.
La Curandera, Volume One, Issue Three of the publication series, lists twenty curanderas, traditional healers, and reprints an edited excerpt from a story collected by Lou Sage Batchen in 1940 in Placitas, New Mexico, as part of the Federal Writers’ Project. The cuaderno connects the COVID-19 crisis to traditional healing practices that center on the curative properties of local herbs and medicinal plants and honors the important role of traditional healers to their communities.
The cover image depicts a curandera in the foreground holding a basket with herbs picked from her garden. In the background is her traditional adobe home with an herb drying rack set against a backdrop of a field of herbs and the mountains of the Taos Valley, all framed within a border of blue flowers.
Manitos Community Memory Project
Manitos Community Memory Project, Estevan Rael-Galvez, Project Director
Manitos Community Memory Project
Mimi Roberts, Project Manager
Shane Flores, Project Researcher
Natasha Vasquez, Graphic Artist
Lily Padilla, Graphic Artist
Mariah Fox Hausman, Graphc Arts Mentor
Northern New Mexico & Southern Colorado
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