Jeannie Masters Shares Celestina Arellano Martinez's "At Home Shoes"
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Jeannie Masters Shares Celestina Arellano Martinez's "At Home Shoes"
Jeannie Masters Shares Celestina Arellano Martinez's "At Home Shoes"
Celestina Arellano Martinez, originally from Costilla, owned two pairs of shoes; these were the "At Home Shoes." They were shared here by Jeannie Sanchez Masters on July 8, 2018 at the VFW Hall in Questa at a Community .
Celestina Arellano Martinez, originally from Costilla, owned two pairs of shoes; these were the "At Home Shoes." They were shared here by Jeannie Sanchez Masters on July 8, 2018 at the VFW Hall in Questa at a Community .
shoes, grandma, grandmother, abuela
shoes, grandma, grandmother, abuela
Still Image
Still Image
Questa Stories
Questa Stories
-;Questa, Costilla
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