Women’s Tea: a story sharing afternoon in Questa, November 16, 2019

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  • Portrait of Esther Garcia

    Portrait of Esther Garcia at Questa Women's Tea, November 16, 2019
  • Portrait of Connie Long

    Portrait of Connie Long, Questa Women's Tea, November 16, 2019
  • Interview with Kate Cisneros

    Kate was born and raised in Cerro, NM, went to school in Cerro, then Questa High School, was married at 18 and soon after became a mother of two children. She worked as a cashier for much of her life and then went into cooking, which she loves. She takes seriously her responsibilities as a mother and with her volunteer work in her community. At the time of the interview, she was the co-director of the North Central NM Food Pantry. In this interview she describes childhood memories and talks about her experiences with food growing up. She also talks about the communities of Questa and Cerro, then and now and how important she feels it is to be involved in the community.
  • Setting - Women's Tea, Questa, NM, November 16, 2019

    Various photographs illustrating the setting of the Questa Stories' first Women's Tea, at La Sala, Questa, NM, November 16, 2019, co-hosted by Esther Garcia, Claire Cote and Gaea McGahee. A comfortable setting and appealing food and drink were important to setting the tone of the event.
  • Portrait of Monica Ortega

    Portrait of Monica Ortega at the story-sharing and discussion table of the first Questa Stories Women's Tea, November 16, 2019
  • Story-sharing and discussion at Questa Women's Tea: Loveida Cisneros, Monica Ortega, Judy Rutledge, Esther Garcia, Martha Rael Nimon and Maria Gonzales

    Story-sharing and discussion at Questa Women's Tea, November 16, 2019: Loveida Cisneros - Woodcutting and picnic lunch; Monica Ortega – they had a way of sharing lessons without saying it directly; Judy Rutledge – details of stories important to share with our youth; Esther Garcia – Winter Bus Rides with Felix Quintana; Martha Rael Nimon – Memories of Esther’s dad driving the bus; Maria Gonzales – Memories of her Grandmother
  • Portrait of Loveida Cisneros, Questa Women's Tea, November 16, 2019

    Portrait of Loveida Cisneros, Questa Women's Tea, November 16, 2019
  • Discussion at Women's Tea: Maria Gonzales, Martha Rael Nimon, Irma Cisneros, Esther Garcia

    Discussion and story sharing at Women's Tea at La Sala in Questa on November 16, 2019. Maria Gonzales, Martha Rael Nimon, Irma Cisneros and Esther Garcia share and discuss on a variety of topics including personal life experiences, spirituality and religion, ancestors (particularly female ancestors), Questa history and more.
  • Gaea McGahee: Guatemalan Pottery Chickens

    Story Sharing from Gaea McGahee about her mother's pottery chickens (that Gaea was given), which had come from Guatemala, purchased by her mother (Dava Davy) when she was a 21 year old anthropology student in that country. The chickens we special objects to her mother and she held on to them even as they sometimes got damaged by her growing five children because all the people she had visited, the makers of the chicken pots, had died as a result of a volcanic eruption. These objects had become somewhat sacred to Dava, imbued with this memory.