Cheryl Dee Odom gives an oral history about her experience with the College of Santa Fe, its "top five" national performing arts department and its demise.
Phil Chapman gives an oral history about his experience with faculty members of the College of Santa Fe during the period 1976-2007: James Moss, Phil Chapman, and Cheryl Odom. As well as the evolution of the performance department from top 5 in the USA to its demise.
Hector Chavez Najera gives an oral history about training horses and working in construction in Santa Fe and the connection to Mexico. The audio was recorded at his home and the filming took place in La Cienega and Rancho Viejo during a remodel while he was working on site.
Pilo Bueno describes his growing up in the 60's-70's in a very Catholic hispanic family in El barrio in Santa Fe, NM and takes us to the moment he came out to his mother.