Connie Long's experience at the Questa North Star Texaco in 1974
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Connie Long's experience at the Questa North Star Texaco in 1974
Connie Long's experience at the Questa North Star Texaco in Questa in 1973 or 74, in which Norbert Ortega kindly told her to pay him when she was next passing through the village, when she was nearly out of gas, stopped and then realized she had no money. Comment at the end is from Monica Ortega.
Questa Stories
Questa, New Mexico
Norbert Ortega
Gas Station
North Star Texaco
Questa Stories
Connie Long
Monica Ortega
November 16, 2019 - Story about an event in 1973/74
Aif audio file
In Copyright-Educational Use permitted
Questa, NM
Connie Long
Questa Stories