Questa Quilters
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Questa Quilters
This photograph is of women quilters of Questa, New Mexico. We were not able to identify everyone, but hope we can do that now. (Blank Spaces are unknown).
Sitting from L-R: Delfina Mandonado Rael; __?___, Marinita Garcia; Irene Rael; Eufrecinia Vigil; Esther Rael; Celia Rael; Anita Velasquez; and little girl?
Standing from L-R: __?___; Simona Gomez; Eufemia Gonzales; __?___; Andrellita Rael; __?___; Eloisa Sanchez; Isabelita ___; __?___; Stella Quintana Rael; Kate Vigil Laforett; Teodorita Vigil Ortega; Little Boy; Eulogia Cordova; Floripa Valdez; __?___ (face obscured, but there); Ursulita Rael-Herrera; Dora Wisehart.
Estevan Rael-Galvez
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