Cuadernos volume II issue 4 - Invierno: Humo y Hielo (Smoke and Ice)
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Cuadernos volume II issue 4 - Invierno: Humo y Hielo (Smoke and Ice)
Volume Two of the Manitos Community Memory Project Cuaderno Series, a set of four booklets on the theme of food sovereignty, features the land-based Indo-Hispano culture of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado where natives often refer to themselves as Manitos--their shared history and culture, how they connect through traditional foodways, and how the changing seasons and weather give shape and meaning to the activities of daily life. Each issue focuses on one of the four seasons starting with Spring.
Winter, the final issue focuses on the cold months as a time for storytelling and of course Christmas with its many traditional practices and hearty winter dishes.
Manitos Community Memory Project
Patricia Perea, Project Director
Manitos Community Memory Project
Patricia Perea, Project Director & Writer
Mimi Roberts, Project Manager
Lauren Addario, Internship Director
Brianna Vela, Cover Artist
Natasha Vasquez, Lead Illustrator & Cover Artist
Lily Padilla, Lead Graphic Designer
Anaïs Savariau, Graphic Designer/Illustrator
Mariah Fox Hausman, Graphic Arts Mentor
Jesús Cuauhtémoc Villa, Writer/Editor
Northern New Mexico & Southern Colorado
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