Lovedia Quintana Cisneros 0:02 My name is Lovedia Quintana Cisneros and I have a couple of bottles, it was whiskey I think at one time, but my mom put some, ah, little blocks of camphor and made camphor and that was used when we had headaches or I think maybe even vertigo or had an upset stomach. So that one was camphor. It still smells like camphor. Speaker 2 0:24 Can I smell it? Lovedia Quintana Cisneros 0:25 Sure, yeah. Speaker 2 0:26 This is the smell of my childhood. Lovedia Quintana Cisneros 0:30 All of ours. And this one I found at my mom's house. My mom's house is over 100 years old. It was sold for 35 cents at one time. It's called ___. And it was for the temporary relief of the discomforts of cough due to simple colds and croup. I guess it never got used because [inaudible]. Speaker 3 0:55 I love the stories about alcanfor. My grandma used to send me to, to buy a whiskey bottle so that she could put alcanfor in it. I think. Transcribed by