Gathering Memory: Sound, Object, Photo and Story, July 8, 2018, Questa VFW Hall
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Gathering Memory: Sound, Object, Photo and Story, July 8, 2018, Questa VFW Hall
The general public and community members, from the Questa area - La Lama to Amalia and beyond, were invited to a community workshop: Gathering Memory: Object, Photos, and Story, on Sunday, July 8, 2018, at the Questa VFW Hall. The event was organized and hosted through a partnership between Questa History Trail (a project of Questa Creative Council, and Questa Stories. Over 100 people attended the event. This is the collection of audio files and images of community members telling stories about the objects and photos they brought to share.
Interviewees, Photo owners, photo subject, Questa Stories, Voices of the Northern Rio Grande, VNRG
Questa Stories, Voices of the Northern Rio Grande, VNRG
Manitos Community Memory Project
Questa History Trail
Questa Stories, Voices of the Northern Rio Grande, VNRG
Camphor Bottles from Loveida Quintana Cisneros
Loveida Quintana Cisneros shares bottles of whiskey infused with camphor from her mother used for common ailments. Estevan Rael-Galvez is the second speaker. -
Photo of Martha Rael Nimon
Portrait of Martha Rael Nimon, participant at the November 16, 2019 Questa Women's Tea, photo taken at July 8, Memory Gathering Event at Questa VFW -
Gathering Memory: Sound, Object, Photo and Story - Invitation
The invitation sent by mail and online platforms to invite people to a community workshop - Gathering Memory: Sound, Object, Photo and Story, July 8, 2018, Questa VFW Hall